When our staff walk out to serve your guests we do so in the knowledge that this is the most important event of your lives and we are honoured to be a part of making your wedding memorable and successful.

We have an enviable reputation for creating an extravagant wedding experience with our warm hospitable approach, whilst adhering to cultural traditions.

Our dedicated Asian Wedding Co-Ordinator completely takes the stress away allowing you to enjoy the day…to find out more call 0113 220 1990 or complete the form below to contact us.

Enquire today

Royal Armouries event space decorated for an asian wedding


Royal Armouries have built a strong reputation
for providing an exceptional service for wedding couples who require the very best service in Leeds and indeed Yorkshire.

We have put together the following packages based
on our experience of what you require. Bespoke
packages can be arranged should you
desire something EXTRA special.



Royal Armouries event space decorated for an asian wedding


Whether you are Hindu, Muslim, or Sikh there is a considerable amount of cultural heritage you’ll want to embrace during your wedding and attention to detail is essential. With the pressures of pleasing everyone on your wedding day, it can seem all too easy to forget to enjoy yourself; that's where our dedicated Asian Wedding Co-Ordinator completely takes the stress away, allowing you to enjoy the day. 

To find out more call 0113 220 1990 or complete the form below to contact us.


From experience within the industry, we know Asian weddings typically have substantial guest lists. So choosing a wedding venue or event space that can cater to this amount of people is essential. Our staff will serve your guests with the knowledge that this is the most important event of your lives, and we want you to know that we are honoured to be a part of making your wedding memorable and successful.

The 250-capacity ground-floor auditorium, the Bury Theatre, offers a large stage area plus an overlooking gallery for additional attendees. Our most significant space New Dock Hall can hold 1500 delegates.


Enquire today

Royal Armouries event space decorated for an asian wedding
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